Windows of Hope International

Just about 5 years ago, Michael and I along with another friend formed a nonprofit for the purpose of caring for AIDS orphans in Kakamega, Kenya. Since then we have had the privilege of supporting the lives of children who have lost either one or both of their parents to AIDS.

Currently there are 21 children who call Shammah Orphanage their home. These are children whose lives have been devastated by their loss and stigmatized by the label "AIDS". The children have come from different places in the Kakamega area, some have been found on the streets, some have been brought there by other family members, some have been referred by pastors and still others have had arrangements made by dying parents.

It has been four years since Michael and I were last there and since that time a number of new children have joined the Shammah family. So on August 3, 2009, Michael, Jesse and I set out for Shammah Orphanage Home in Kakamega, Kenya. We had a wonderful time meeting the new children and getting reacquainted with the children we had previously met. We stayed in Kakamega and presented a 4-day Summer camp for the children of Shammah and the area children. We had about 53 children daily. This was just a wonderful time of education, fun and games.
Jesse Miller
2/10/2014 05:47:25 am

Hi Mom Its Jesse MIiller

2/22/2023 04:09:56 am

Hi thaanks for sharing this


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